A zebra spotted at a South African game lodge has the answer to an important question: Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?

What colour is a zebra?
It’s a question that has stumped most of us from way back when. Is a zebra white in colour with black stripes or is it black in colour with white stripes? And while you could very well just do an internet search NOW to find the answer in a flash, we’ve got a MORE interesting answer to that age-old question.
A recent social media post from a South African game lodge featured a video of a unique zebra that helps answer the question.
Captured by Field Guide, Hugh Morris, at the Marataba Luxury Lodge in the Marakele National Park, the Instagram reel shows our favourite striped animal frolicking in the bush, as usual. The only difference being that this particular zebra is totally black in colour!
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Here’s the answer…
The caption on the post goes on to explain why exactly we’re seeing what we’re seeing:
“A question we have been asking ourselves for many years – is a zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes? Looks may be deceiving when observing this unusual sighting of this black zebra because this is not what one would think of as a melanistic zebra, but rather a condition called generalised alopecia (a disorder characterised by loss of hair) usually associated with some form of metabolic disturbance.” the caption read.
The caption then went on to reveal the answer that everyone’s been looking for!
“So the answer we have been looking for is that a zebra is indeed black with white stripes!” the post let slip.
Watch the Instagram video below:
Instagram users commenting on the video were wowed by the beautiful zebra.
thesafarigals said something we’d definitely agree with: “What an amazing looking zebra… actually think it’s really handsome”
jacquiemcintoshhamilton was just impressed: “WOW!”
hyltonlangleysafaris commented: “Incredibly interesting sighting. Thanks for sharing.”