Wowzer! South Africa just recorded a tremendous increase in international arrivals for the year. Here’s where they’re streaming in from…

International arrivals in SA
According to the latest Tourism and Migrations Statistics report published by Statistics South Africa today, South Africa has just recorded a whopping 345% increase in overseas arrivals. The report stated that tourist numbers in South Africa in May 2022 rose by 345% compared with that of last year. This percentage equates to 92 368 arrivals when compared to last years’ 20 762.
For the year 2022 to date, 321 034 overseas travellers arrived in South Africa, compared with just 75 540 for the same period last year, says Tourism Update.
Source countries: Where are they coming from?

According to the Stats SA data, the United States, with 23 789 arrivals for 2022 was the top source country, beating out the United Kingdom with its’ 15 111 arrivals. The arrivals from the whole of Europe, however, account for more than 50% of inbound tourists from overseas. Â
Another report from SA Tourism showed that the US had officially bested the UK for being the number one source country for international visitors in 2021. The UK, of course, has held this top spot since 1994, and still remains one of South Africa’s top source markets, just not number one since last year.
Last year, the US also topped tourist revenue from overseas sources, recording R2.3 billion in spend from this market. The data also showed a 14 percent increase in arrivals when compared to 2020.
The report also revealed the tourist profile and trends taken from the South African Tourism’s Departure Survey, which indicated that the US market was and continues to be mainly driven by first-time travelers, who are under the age of 45 years and are looking to explore our beautiful nation on holiday for a week or two.
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