Accommodation in Maboneng revolves around the self-catering apartment, with many to choose from. You could also opt to stay in close by Johannesburg city-centre hotels and B&B’s for more variety. Check out a few suggestions here:
If on-site amenities and privacy are what you’re looking for when choosing accommodation, then staying at a hotel is your best option. Hotels tend to offer fabulous amenities such as room service, swimming pools, restaurants and bars, gyms and personal concierge services. Here are a few options for hotels in Maboneng:
Bed & Breakfasts
Bed and breakfast establishments are a popular choice for many when it comes to accommodation. You’re allowed private rooms and ensuite bathrooms and a delicious breakfast in the morning. Some B&B’s even offer hotel amenities like a swimming pool and all-meal food services. Here are some options for Bed & Breakfasts in Maboneng:
Self-catering accommodation is perfect for those who want ultimate freedom and privacy wherever they’re staying. Usually in the form of entire houses, apartments or chalets, self-catering allows you total run of the place, including cooking, cleaning and use of any facilities. These are some options for self-catering accommodation in :
If you love meeting new people and making friends wherever you go, backpacker or hostel accommodation is an ideal option for you. Typically, you pay for a single bed in a room which others will share, but most backpackers also offer private rooms as well. Here are some options for backpackers in :
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